Cloud Assessments

Assess before you Change!

We assess before making a recommendation for improving your cloud. Our cloud assessment approach focuses on identifying the root-causes of the problems rather than using a cookie-cutter approach. We focus on the long-term vision while providing early wins so as to help you navigate towards continued success. Our Klloud Assessment methodology involves these phases:

  • PREPARE: We prepare an initial blue-print of the assessment approach which is relevant to your business and requirements.
  • GATHER: Our Cloud Assessment consultants work with your multiple work-streams and collect relevant information about your cloud environment.
  • ANALYZE: We analyse and compare your data with our best-in-class parameters across the industry so as to make your cloud environment competitive for the future
  • REPORT: We develop a recommendation plan and a business case with detailed implementation roadmap for you to be able to maximise return on your cloud investments